Malchow Construction - Airplane Metal Hangar Building for Northwest Oregon

Free Estimates

Airplane Hangars

Pole Buildings that Offer a Unique Look

Johhn Malchow Contruction custom quality airplane hangars. Metal Building Airplane Hangar.

Johhn Malchow Contruction protects your investment with quality airplane hangars. Pole Building Construction Hangar.

Whether you use your aircraft for your business or pleasure, John Malchow Construction can protect your investment. We build metal building hangars that are attractive, functional, strong and efficient.

The construction of an airplane hangar is a complex process that requires the expertise of a team of engineers and contractors

With our materials and expertise you can have a hangar to store your aircraft at a decent price. We offer a wide range of choices of all aspects of the building so that once it's completed it will be perfectly suited for your use.

Additional benefits of building airplane hangars:

  • Protection: Airplane hangars protect airplanes from the elements, such as wind, rain, and snow.
  • Security: Airplane hangars provide security for airplanes by deterring theft and vandalism.
  • Maintenance: Airplane hangars provide a controlled environment for maintenance and repairs of airplanes.
  • Customization: Airplane hangars can be customized to fit any need.

Call today and lets discuss the options we have available and how we can offer a quality post frame hangar.

Call John Malchow 503-859-2001 for a FREE Estimate.

Airplane Hangars by John Malchow Construction